Through the tears I was able to tell my wonderful husband to be "YES!" Now for the fun task of wedding planning.We decided on a wedding date the week of Christmas next year so that all family members who had time off and wanted to make it could. Plus the added bonus of both families together makes me happy.
I set out to make something special to ask my girls to be in my wedding. I made them each a gift box
I typed a poem asking my best friend to be my Maid of Honor, and included a 101 on how to be a Maid of Honor from a bridal website. I made her and each one of my girls shirts that said “TEAM BRIDE” and their title with their name on the front of the shirt so family remembers don’t have to ask for their names after formal introductions. I also made Wedding Day Survival Kit included small scissors, nail file, finger nail clippers, Colgate wisps, a pack of gum, chocolate bar, bobby pins, pack of tissues, Advil, a bottle of raspberry Smirnoff, and a bottle of Kahlua with a add it to coffee recipe. I gave my Maid of Honor a small bottle of Grey Goose for the extra help. The Dress card said “Not too short, Not too tight, Find a black dress that fits just right, to wear while you stand by my side. If you are not too sure text me a picture”
Awe! You called me your best friend!!! I feel so humbled and honored to be wearing that title and so glad you asked me to be in your wedding.